Travel Blog Joao Cajuda

Iceland with KukuCampers

Iceland with KukuCampers

Exploring Iceland in a motorhome was one of my dreams. I love driving, especially along unknown roads where every curve brings us a new adventure. I can’t tell you how many times I said “wow” during the this journey, Iceland is one of the most beautiful countries I’ve been. I also love camping and being […]

São Tomé e Príncipe

São Tomé e Príncipe

This post was sponsored by HBD. Some secrets should never be revealed, some posts should never be written, perhaps this is one of them. Nowadays, when tourism seems to have “exploded”, writing and sharing the few remaining paradises on the planet makes us, even indirectly, responsible for its destruction? It’s an issue that comes to […]

Príncipe Island

Príncipe Island

One reason made me travel to the remote island of Prince, nature … The Prince Island is one of the most pristine places I have been, and probably where ever I will be. It was only 30 minutes by plane to see this small island dipped in the Gulf of Guinea, in the middle of […]

Sundy Beach, Princípe

Sundy Beach, Princípe

This post was sponsored by HBD. Distinguished by National Geographic as a “Unique Lodges of the World,” the SUNDY BEACH is the epitome of luxury, comfort and privacy on Prince’s Island. The latest resort on the island has only 15 tent villas secluded among the coconut and banana trees along the beach. My villa, with […]

Bom bom, Príncipe

Bom bom, Príncipe

This post was sponsored by HBD. BOM BOM means GOOD GOOD, do I need to say more?! Bathed by two deserted beaches lined with coconut trees, the first African hotel to receive the “Biosphere Responsible Tourism” certificate in recognition of its commitment to sustainable tourism, taking into account the management and use of water, energy […]

Roça Sundy, Príncipe

Roça Sundy, Príncipe

This post was sponsored by the HBD. Once one of the largest cocoa plantations in the world, Roça Sundy has recently been rehabilitated and transformed into a boutique hotel of only 12 rooms. Located in the middle of dense forest, the Sundy Roça is composed by several buildings … having restored the two main houses, […]

São Tomé Island

São Tomé Island

This post was sponsored by HBD. The island of “Leve Leve” has a lot to offer to those who visit, tropical beaches, great food, a welcoming and smiling people. In this post I give you some tips and places that you can not miss.   WHERE TO STAY? OMALI Omali, which means Ocean and “source […]

Omali, São Tomé

Omali, São Tomé

This post was sponsored by HBD. Omali, which means Ocean and “source of life”, is located on the island of São Tome, just over 3 km from the airport. It is in my opinion very well located, in a quiet area with a nice beach in front and very close to the city … The […]

traveler’s Medicine and Health

traveler’s Medicine and Health

What is the worst souvenir you can bring from a vacation ?! A disease! Lol …. I’m laughing, but actually it’s not funny at all and it’s a lot more common than we think. Whenever I travel to a new destination I go for a check up at the medical doctor…. It is the only […]

Nomad America – 4×4 Costa Rica

Nomad America – 4×4 Costa Rica

Despite having a travel agency that organizes amazing (modesty aside eheh) group tours to certain destinations –, when it comes to my personal travels I like to be very independent, no hotel booked and go totally in to the adventure. Sometimes it goes well, sometimes don’t … but here I am, alive, in good […]